ScreenHeads was created by movie and TV fans, and so it is only right that fans continue to contribute! This is the perfect platform for you to practice writing/producing work for online media and we want as many upcoming writers and editors involved as possible!
We at ScreenHeads are open to aspiring writers and movie/TV lovers getting involved all of the time! whether it is to write a weekly review of your favourite shows, constantly update us with your mash-ups or get a weekly column up and running – here is where you can do it!
“How do I get involved?”
To get involved with ScreenHeads, simply contact us by emailing info@screenheads.co.uk or fill out our contact form below! Tell us what you would like to do with us and we will discuss how you can fit into the website’s goings on!
From there, send us your work (whether it is writing or a mash-up edit) and we will upload it, making sure to link you in on social media!
*Please note:
- For every theory article, news article and review you wish to produce, you simply need to contact us and pitch the headline (due to the fact that some writers may contact with the same ideas). Once we have given you the go ahead, write it up and send it over!
- If your idea for a review or article is already being produced, we will suggest a different angle – if the angle does not work for you, we look forward to your next piece!
- Fan-casts and mash-ups may all be done remotely at your own discretion and we will look over before putting live. If you just want to get involved, we will work together on what you can work on!